This is the schematic for the dialler to GMS module.
Below is a representation of a dialled number:
would be "35". The long pulse as the rotary is rotated anti-clockwise then the pulses for the number as the rotary returns. So when a long pulse is received, the previous set of pulses has finished and the count of these pulses is saved as the number.
The code is much simpler: (Note to self: this is in a file called push_button.c for some strange reason!)
void getNumber() {
int16 x = 0; // number lemgth
int16 count = 0; // button press count
int16 pulseCount = 0; // counts the pulses from the rotary
int32 timer; // This is the timer
BYTE status; // This if for detecting button state
char phoneNum[15] = ""; // A character array for the phone number
char num[4] = "ATD"; // start of the dial string
strcat(phoneNum,num); // cp the start of the dial string to the phone num AT command
// do this while the phone is still off the hook
while (!input(PIN_A1)) {
if (input (PIN_A0)) // dialer input high
delay_ms(10); // debounce
pulseCount++; // This counts the number of clock cycles
if (!input (PIN_A0) && status == 0 ) // dialer input low
delay_ms(10); // debounce switch
if(pulseCount > 20 && count>0) { // add the count to the AT string
count--; // decrement as the number is always one more
if(count > 9)
sprintf(num,"%ld",count); // makes int count into a string
strcat(phoneNum,num); // adds num to the phoneNumber
count=0; // reset the number count
} else {
count++; // increment the number count
// long delay before writing the AT command to GSM
if( timer > 150000 && x > 0 ) {
// add the final number
if(count > 9) // if the pulse count is 10 then this is actually a zero
sprintf(num,"%ld",count); // makes int count into a string
strcat(phoneNum,num); // adds num to the phoneNumber
x=0; // reset number count
count=0; // reset pulse count
printf("%s;\r",phoneNum); // This is the AT command sent to the phone
while(!input(PIN_A1)); // wait for on hook.
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